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All machined components are programmed in-house in their native CATIA format. Vericut is used for program verification prior to release for manufacturing. A&G machines aluminum, stainless steel, and titanium components from plate, bar, extrusions, and forgings.

3, 4, and 5-Axis Machining

  • High speed
  • Long bed / large envelope
  • Automated horizontal FMS machine cells
  • Medium / complex mechanical structural components
  • Aluminum and hard metals
1 ea Makino MAG 3 high speed 5-axisX 118”Y 59”Z 39”
3 ea Makino MAG 3EX high speed 5-axisX 157”Y 59”Z 39”
1 ea Jobs LinX high speed gantry 5-axisX 322"Y 143"Z 49"
1 ea Jobs LinX high speed gantry 5-axisX 244"Y 116"Z 35"
2 ea Jobs LinX high speed gantry 5-axisX 157"Y 78"Z 27"
3 ea Okuma Millac853-PF 5-axisX 120"Y 33"Z 27"
1ea SNK 5-axis RBF 150X 167"Y 94"Z 48"
2 ea SNK 5-axis FSP-120VX 120"Y 50"Z 24"
1 ea Hitachi Seiki 50 pallet robotic cell system consisting of 1 Penta 5-axis and 1 HGII 4-axis horizontal machining centers.X 37"Y 32"Z 30"
1 ea OKK VG5000 5-axis,X 20”Y 20”Z 24"
1 ea OKK HM-X6000 5-axisX 24"Y 24"Z 32"
1ea Mori Seiki Horizontal 5-axisX 60"Y 29"Z 33"
1ea Mori Seiki Horizontal 4-axisX 22"Y 20"Z 20"
1ea Mori Seiki Horizontal 4-axisX 32"Y 26"Z 30"
2 ea Hitachi Seiki HGII Extended travel 5-axisX 46"Y 38"Z 30"
2 ea Quantum 3-axis VerticalX 60"Y 34"Z 32"
1 ea Okuma Millac 800HV 5-axisX 40"Y 40"Z 40"
1 ea Matsurra Mam 72-100H 5 AxisX 39"Y 39"Z 30"
1 eaMatsuura Mam 72-63V 5 axis 35 pallet/3 machine cell systemX 27"Y 27"Z 24"
1 ea Matuura Mam 72-63V 5 axis 6 pelletX 27"Y 27"Z 24"
2 ea Maturra Mam 72-63v 5 axisX 27"Y 27"Z 24"
3 ea Mori Seiki MV 65 5-axis Vertical millX 60"Y 25"Z 25"
2 ea VMC Fadal XT 3-axis Vertical millX 30"Y 16"Z 28"
Mori Seiki CNC Lathe10 "dia.Chuck X36
1 ea OMAX Waterjet120"60"0
1 ea Fanamation CNC CMMX 240"Y 100"Z 120"
1 ea Mitutoyo CNC CMMX 36"Y 63"Z 24"
1 ea HexagonX 30"Y 15"Z 12"
1 ea Leica Laser Tracker
CMM Manager000
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